How to Travel on a Budget with Kids: 3 Tips for a Stress-Free Trip

With the summer months upon us, it is a wonderful time to plan a fun family vacation. Traveling can be super fun but with kids, the expenses can really start to add up.



What are the costs of travel with kids?

Using the calculator, it’s quite easy to see how much money one can spend on a trip that is family friendly. With a family of five, there is a pretty good chance you’ll exceed a $10,000 price tag for a family vacation. And if you want to add in the cost of the rental car, airport transfers, hotels, food and so forth, it’s a sure bet the total for a family vacation could top out around $17,000. How does one go about planning a budget-friendly vacation? We recommend choosing an airline that does not require your children to fly as unaccompanied minors. This means, depending on the ticket price, you can fly in the same cabin as your kids. There is also a service that allows you to purchase your tickets together as a family for a fraction of the cost of going as a family of four.



How to save money for travel with kids

We all know the drill. You take a trip, your bank account takes a hit, and you may end up canceling your vacation and buying a plane ticket home. But with a few smart travel tips, it is possible to travel with kids without breaking the bank. Here are 3 smart travel tips for families. 1. Find an Airline with the Lowest Airfare Choosing the right airfare is one of the most important aspects of the trip. Don’t forget to look for cheap tickets if you’re planning a big vacation. You want to be able to afford the flight and accommodations, not pay the sky-high fees for baggage. To find the lowest airfare, I highly recommend using one of the many flight comparison websites out there.



How to pack for a family trip

You want to make sure that your children are comfortable, especially in terms of the size of the suitcase. Instead of opting for one big suitcase, you can choose to pack all of your luggage into separate bags. If you have more than one child, you will need to bring the appropriate size of suitcase for each child. In addition, make sure that you take enough snacks to last through the day if your flight is delayed or canceled. The key is to make sure that your children are comfortable throughout the entire travel process. To give you an idea, one child can easily weigh 5 pounds, so you will definitely want to take the appropriate sized bag. You will also want to make sure that you bring enough toys to keep them entertained during the flight.



How to handle the kids on the plane

There are many ways to travel on a budget but often, the most inexpensive, and often the best option, is to simply book direct through a travel agent. With the economy being so bad right now, we are always looking for a good deal when it comes to travel. A travel agent can help save you money by doing their part for you and helping you to buy a good deal with a travel agent you trust. There are several things you can do to stay on budget when you travel, and it starts with booking direct through an agent. There are different types of travel agents, including agency and independent travel agents. Agent Benefits All agents take commission, so when you pay to book direct through them, you are spending your money with them.



How to handle the kids on the vacation

The other problem with traveling with kids is they never want to just chill out and spend time together. They always want to be doing some kind of activity or making some kind of adventure out of it. Here are three ways you can travel on a budget with your kids this summer. #1: Pack a bit differently Often times, travelers and vacationers end up going on vacation expecting all of their supplies to be packed in a carry-on. This is very stressful for you and the kids. You and the kids end up waiting until the last minute to pack your bags and end up being stressed out. If you are a bit more prepared, you can pack a few extra things for a day or two of traveling.


I personally find traveling with kids to be incredibly fun, but it is also a time where you have to learn to relax and enjoy the experience. Try these 3 tips to make your next family vacation fun and stress-free: 1. Pack Light and Forgo Most Food The first step is simple. Put everything in your suitcase that you think you will need. Don’t pack a lot of food and clothing for your trip. My kids and I always end up with too much stuff to carry and this just adds to the stress. Just pack what you think you will need. For example, we never have a room service breakfast, but I still always eat it because I love to have a big bowl of french toast with maple syrup. You can find free healthy breakfast items at the hotels so save those healthy options for later in the trip.



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