Who doesn’t take pictures while on vacation? We want pictures of family and friends and we want to capture the flavor of the landscape we are in. Some are interested in the architecture; some are interested in the pretty flowers or the super tall trees. Whatever you’re interested in you can organize your pictures to really tell the story of what it was you were seeing at the time. Here are some tips to turn your vacation photos in an awesome conversation piece.

A good way to organize your pictures is to categorize them. If you take a look at pictures of past vacations you’ll see an album of everything you saw on that trip. While that is ok, you may find that when someone is looking at them that you are sitting there explaining every picture. After all, you want others to experience some of the flavor and excitement you experienced on your trip.
This is where some good organization comes in. It takes a bit of time but is well worth the effort.
hen you have your pictures back, separate them into categories such as, all your pictures of gardens and flowers, pictures of family and friends or your favorite sunsets or interesting architecture you took. Buy albums that suit the categories they are in.
Make a little caption and date of each picture and insert into the correct album. Doing it this way makes it easier to look at and becomes self explanatory. Whether you have visited a particular place or several places, categories with captions make it a lot easier. (How many times have you looked at photographs of past vacations and wondered for a second where this picture was taken?)
Whether you are a seasoned traveler or not and love sunrises and sunsets, you can create an album just for that. Labels and dates complete the picture. The beauty of theme albums is you can continue to add to them over the years. They are beautiful and easily understood by all. There are so many categories you can think of. The only limit is your imagination. Theme albums are very organized and easily understood and are great conversation pieces! Give it a try!