Here are 4 business pieces of advice we think you should hear!

Even the greatest businessmen and women in our world today started from something. Many find inspiration in books or statements made by mentors or people they just encounter in their daily lives. A piece of good advice can have a direct impact on what you do with your business idea, it could be the inspiration you needed to steer you in the right direction, and it can also serve as a solution to one problem you have been pondering on.

You do deserve success and knowing it doesn’t come easy, we have made a list of business bits of advice that has inspired people from different walks of life. Who knows, your big idea may spring to life from one of these inspiring bits!

1. Marcus Lemonis, an entrepreneur and star of ‘The Profit’- “Keep your word and do what you say you would do”. Circumstances we do not prepare for may cause us to rethink some of our stances as we go on with our business ideas but if you have made commitment to do something, you shouldn’t renege on your word. If you find it increasingly impossible to keep to your word, create time to take it up with the other party to see if there are other options to explore to help you solve the problem.

2. “Just go for it”- Just like the Nike tagline that says “Just do it”, it is important to know that you are your own biggest cheerleader, so, in times where you want to hold back on the great idea you have, remind yourself why you started in the first place and just go for it!

3. Allison Page, co-founder, and head of product at SevenRooms- “There is no substitute for hard work”- Indeed, with the right amount of zeal and tenacity, you can break just about any limits! Work extra hard at achieving the goals you have set for yourself. Cutting corners may make you arrive at your destination faster but remember that a city built on lies can only stand until it gets tested and comes crashing down like dominoes.

4. “Failing doesn’t mean you are a failure”- anonymous- Growing a business takes guts and resilience because you sometimes have to experiment with different ideas before you finally find the one that feels just right! Failing at one of those many ideas doesn’t make you a failure, you just have to pick the pieces up and try again and again.

There are so many incredible words of encouragement to keep you going out there. Remember that even when you are doing fine, you need to take a look at some of these words to help you sustain your momentum!


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