It’s always difficult for parents to watch their baby cry. They would do practically anything just so their baby gets comfortable and can fall asleep. Some people actually believe that the best way to calm a baby is through music. Playing songs is great for your child. Music just has so many benefits. Some people say that when you constantly expose your little one to classical tunes, you are actually increasing their level of intelligence.
Music really is a great method for calming your baby down. When you bring your precious little angel home from the hospital, make sure you have the music set up in their room. You should be able to access it whenever you hear them cry. It is also advisable to keep a your favorite music app ready in your car so that you have a way to soothe them in the middle of a trip. With the soothing motion of the car and the accompanying soft music, your angel will be fast asleep in no time.
Should you get tired of playing the same old songs, you can also put some variety in the sounds by adding in the sounds of nature. Any type of white noise will do to help calm your baby. In the studio, I also have several white noise machines ready to go during the session. I use a baby shusher that uses a human voice to calm baby by using the work “shhhh.” My tired and true method is using two machines, one with a heartbeat and one with a white noise sound. This works well as it emulates the sounds of inside mama’s belly. Keep in mind that because babies are unique just as adults are, there are also sounds they won’t enjoy. For your part, you just have to know which songs help calm them. See how they react to each song or sound you play and make sure that you keep a copy at hand.
There are hundreds of choices available for you. Look online at places like Spotify, Itunes or Youtube and search for baby calming sounds. You will definitely find what you need. Of course, common sense dictates that the music must be soft. Music also brings other benefits other than just calming your baby. If the music stops them from crying, you also take away some of the tension off your shoulders.
Moreover, music is an essential element in the learning and development of children. By nature, babies are musical beings. They are fascinated by it even at such a tender age. Scientists and researchers from all over have also been able to show that music helps to lay the foundation of their years. You enhance their learning, hone their musical ability, and develop their language. You will see a big leap in the growth of your baby’s memory skills and sensory coordination As they grow, let them learn to love music. Sing to them and make it a part of their daily routine. As they grow, you will see that they will respond to the songs by dancing. The movement helps them learn balance, coordination, body awareness, and rhythm. With music, you get to enjoy so many benefits.