How to overcome to the Minnesota summer heat to have a stunning outdoor wedding

It’s Minnesota, the middle of July and it’t hot.  I mean the soupy melt your face off, humid hot that Minnesota is known to have in July.  But it’s also summertime which means prime wedding season for Minnesotans! You decided to have an outdoor wedding under the sun amidst the lake, or at an outdoor beautiful park. Are you sure you have considered all the aspects of an outdoor wedding? Did you consider the fact that you and your guests are going to be outside for many hours throughout the day in the beating hot sun? Some people worry so much that it’s going to rain or be cold that they completely forget to prepare themselves for the sun and the heat. The last thing you want is for you or your guests to be burnt for pictures and leave the wedding early because they are sun-fried. So here are some sun protection tips to keep in mind whether you’re the bride, groom or guest at an outdoor wedding:

1. Do not tan in a salon or outdoor prior to the wedding. Tanning of any sort is bad for your skin and can cause peeling right before the wedding.

2. If you want to get the outdoor tanned look, opt for self-tanning products that will give you the same effect without harming your skin. There are many lotions and foams that work wonders on the skin.

3. Make sure you apply sunscreen numerous times throughout the day. Encourage your guests to do so as well. Indicate on the invitation that the wedding is outdoors and remind them to bring sunscreen. Here’s an idea – hand out small decorative bottles of sunscreen as an early wedding favor for your guests.

4. Try and avoid the sun as much as possible between the hours of 10am and 4pm. The sun’s rays are strongest at these times. Perhaps it’s a good idea to get pictures closer to the morning or early afternoon, before anyone is too tired (or burnt) from the sun.

5. Pack (and tell your guests to pack) cover-ups, shawls, wraps and hats for protection against the heat of the sun. Shawls are perfect for covering up your shoulders since they are a prime area for burns.

6. The coordinator of the wedding should ensure there are tents and umbrellas for shade. This is very important because spending the entire day in the sun with no shade can cause heat exhaustion and be harmful to your health.

7. Finally, make sure there is plenty of water for you and your guests. There’s nothing worse than being hot and thirsty. Lack of water can cause dehydration which can be very dangerous for you and your guests. Have water coolers setup in different areas so they are easily accessible for everyone.

Keep in mind the precautions listed above. It will ensure that your wedding goes smoothly for you and your guests. After all, it is the most important day of your life and you don’t want to take any chances of something ruining your special day!


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