How To Make Your Wedding Couple Photos Fast, Easy and Look Great

You’ve spent a lot of time and money on your wedding. You spent months planning the event, spent thousands on decorations and still don’t have any family pictures. This might seem like an empty gesture but it’s not. Your wedding photos are one of the best ways to remember your big day and capture the most special moments. They’re also a great way to show future generations what you two were like as a couple. So here are a few tips for making your wedding photos fast, easy and look great!


Get a photographer you trust

When planning your wedding photos, you want to get a photographer who you trust and respect. This might sound obvious, but trust is something that’s hard to come by these days. You may be lucky enough to find a photographer who you click with straight away. However, for the rest of us, it can be a bit of a struggle. There are many ways to overcome this. The first is to find a photographer you like and trust. Many people will base their decision on the photographer’s reputation, but that’s far from the only thing you should be looking for. You want to find a photographer who you can have confidence in the shots they’ll take. After all, you’re spending the majority of your day with this person so you don’t want them focusing more attention on your less than perfect photo- taking than you actually need.


Keep your portraits simple

Your wedding portraits don’t have to be over the top and extravagant. A simple photo of you two looking happy in your wedding gear would do the trick just as easily as a fancy shot of you two out on the town. Your wedding portraits should reflect you as a couple. If you two are known for being dramatic and over the top then your wedding portraits will reflect the same. Your photos should show you in the raw, unadorned and exactly as you are – not a picture-perfect Florence instead of you. Make sure that each and every photo you take reflects these goals.


Plan Your Wedding Photos

Wedding photos are tricky. They need to show off your loved ones but also capture the most important moments of the day. Ideally, they should be as simple as possible. What this means is that you don’t want to over plan your wedding photos. Sure, you need to think about what type of photos you want and what looks best on paper. However, don’t over think it. A simple idea such as pairing your wedding photos from your big day with a family photo will do the trick just as well as a more elaborate idea like having your wedding portraits on a grand staircase. You don’t have to go overboard with the decoration either. A simple white background and a few elegant details will do the trick just as well as a mountain-biking backdrop and see-through floor.


Take advantage of natural light

It’s not just wedding photographers that need to be aware of this. Everyone does. Natural light is the best light source for wedding photos. In fact, it’s the only light source that doesn’t hurt anyone’s eyes while it’s happening. Natural light is the only light that’s free of any types of light pollution. It’s the light that comes straight from the sun, the moon, stars or a single candle. If you can find a photographer who knows how to use natural light, take advantage of it.


Get some loved-up shots

If your wedding photos show your loved ones, you should take some loved-up shots as well. This might seem like a no-brainer, but so many couples neglect to get their friends into the frame. The best shots of your friends will include the most memorable moments of your wedding. So get your best friends into the shot. If you have a large group of friends then why not shoot some group shots or family photos together? Just make sure that each and every person in the frame is loved up.


Wrapping Up

Your wedding is a special moment in your life. It’s a day you will remember for the rest of your life. So why not make the most of it and have your wedding photos taken in a creative and memorable way? There are many ways to go about this. You can go for simple and straight-forward, or you can get artistic. You can also think about your style and how you want your wedding photos to reflect you as a couple. Do you like a more classic approach? Do you like to try new things? Do you like to be creative? Then you should look into wedding photography where you can experiment and create different looks and styles.


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