Keeping Your Wedding Safe & Stress Free

ver heard of wedding insurance? Most brides and grooms have probably never heard of it, or they scoff at the idea of insuring their wedding. However, purchasing some short-term wedding insurance can be a way of saving yourself a lot of grief if your wedding is cancelled or someone gets injured at your reception.

What Types of Wedding Insurance are Available?
Brides and grooms can opt to purchase two types of wedding insurance. There is wedding cancellation insurance and also wedding liability insurance. Wedding cancellation insurance provides coverage should your wedding be cancelled due to bad weather, and officiant not showing up, and more. It protects your deposits, attire, photographs, etc.

The other type of wedding insurance is wedding liability insurance, which protects you if there is injury or property damage that occurs at your wedding. This type of wedding insurance is more common, as many venues require that couples obtain this insurance.

When to Purchase Wedding Insurance?
If you are considering purchasing wedding insurance, you should plan on purchasing the coverage as soon as you start shopping for dresses and venues. Most companies do not allow you to purchase a policy until 24 months before the wedding, and most will allow you to purchase the insurance up to 15 days prior to your wedding date.

What Policies Usually Cover
While these items are usually covered by wedding insurance policies, you should still read over your policy before signing to make sure all the items you need covered are included:

-Missing Officiant
-Missing Vendors

Other riders:
-Military Service
-Gowns and Tuxedos

Usually not covered:
-Cancellation due to cold feet
-Cancellation due to something you knew prior to taking out the policy

Should You Purchase a Policy
Some people laugh when they first hear about wedding insurance, thinking it is just another way for couples to spend money. However, in most cases weddings cost thousands of dollars/pounds. That money is often non-refundable if the unthinkable happens, and some couples find great peace of mind in knowing that they will not be out thousands if their wedding is cancelled.


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